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Code Snippet: Houdini pythonModule common functions

Ellie Ansell

Hou.phm() functions for simple tasks, such as returning all files matching a regex from a path. This was used for a lookdev OTL, to grab all HDRIs on shows in given folders.

import os
import re
import sys

import imp

Author: Ellie Ansell
Date edited: 09/04/20
Desc: Simple functions to parse data.

def buildMenuStringList(names):
    """ Duplicates each element in a list of strings.
            For example, ["walk", "run"] becomes ["walk", "walk", "run", "run"]
    return [name for pair in zip(names, names) for name in pair]

def findFiles(path="", re_pattern=".*"):
    """Get a list of the files from a directory matching a given regex.

    if not os.path.exists(path):
            return [""]

    files = []
    for root, ds, fs in os.walk(path):
            for f in fs:
                    if re.match(re_pattern, f) and not f.startswith("."):

    return files or [""]

def findDirs(path="", re_pattern=".*"):
    """Get a list of the files from a directory matching a given regex.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
            return [""]

    files = []

    for f in os.listdir(path):
            if re.match(re_pattern, f) and not f.startswith("."):

    return files or [""]

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